Thursday 2 December 2010

Applying Propp and Todorov's Theory to Premonition

Propp's Theory

The hero: is the main protagonist who is the centre of the story, usually on a quest, a search or a mission. The hero in the film is Yasmin as the film revolves around her and she achieves her mission.

The princess: the heroes reward or prize at the end of the story. There is no princess as such in Premonition as Yasmins man prize or reward at the end is peace.

The princess' father: rewards the hero. There is no father as there is no princess as such.

The helper: provides guidance and support to the hero. This would be a close friend which Yasmin deeply relies on for advice and guidance.

The dispatcher: set the hero off on a quest or mission. The premonition itself is the dispatcher as this sets Yasmin off to ask why she had such a premonition.

The donor: provides a magic ingredient to move the story on. In this case, the donor could be Yasmins boyfriend as he is the main reason of which she has a premonition. He also provides Yasmin with a source of information which helps her on her quest.

The villain: competes with and tries to detroy the hero. In this case, the villain is Yasmins boyfriend in the premonition as well as the premonition itself as it plays games with Yasmins mind.

Todorov's Theory

Equilibrium: The happy atmosphere as Yasmin wakes up and reads the text from her boyfriend.

Disruption: The disruption is when Yasmin falls asleep and has a premonition which causes her to suffocation by her boyfriend in her dream.

Recognition of Disruption: This occurs when Yasmin tosses and turns in her bed and she is disrupted by this premonition. She suddenly wakes up and realises the realistic premonition.

Attempt to Repair Disruption: This occurs when Yasmin attempts to discover the main reason behind the premonition and whether it would come to life.

A Return of New Equilibrium: Yasmin eventually defeats the premonition and eventually begins to live a happy and peaceful life.

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